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Chaos to Creativity: 7 Mindset Hacks for Aspiring Authors

The new year is finally here and I just know it’s going to be a great one - and the year you write your first book!

To start the new year off, I’m talking about mindset and it’s role in developing a writing career. It’s not complicated but it’s not always easy so I’m sharing a few mindset hacks to help.

Did you know that in a 2015 study, author was ranked the most desired job in the UK?


So was I.

My guess would have been something like a social media influencer or actor. But glamour is rarely what defines the writing journey.

When I stumbled upon that statistic, I was deep into a whirlwind season of my own: scrambling to meet the deadline for my second novel, The Home, while juggling a newborn and a toddler. Most days, I was typing one-handed while nursing, as my two-year-old zoomed cars up and down my legs like a racetrack.

I probably hadn’t showered that day.

Writing can be a solitary, exhausting pursuit. And when the self-doubt, writer’s block, and publishing industry rejection letters rolled in, I questioned everything—especially myself and my writing skills.

Why did I think writing while having a baby was a good idea? Writing had always been my passion, my escape.

How had it become such hard work?

The answer lay in my mindset. I’d let it spiral, unchecked, like a toddler on a sugar rush. Slowly but surely, I realized that my creativity and the success of my writing goals depended on reclaiming control over my mental space.

Whether you’re drafting your first book or polishing your tenth, a resilient mindset is your secret weapon to becoming a successful author. 

These seven mindset shifts will help you write with confidence and consistency.

1. Protect the Asset: You

As Greg McKeown says in Essentialism, “Protect the asset.” The asset is YOU. Creative energy doesn’t thrive when you’re running on fumes.

Make sleep, hydration, and movement non-negotiable. Fuel your brain with foods rich in omega-3s, healthy fats, and antioxidants—think salmon, walnuts, and berries. Take it one step further with the transformative power of affirmations which can have a profound impact on your mind. These simple habits are the foundation to a healthy writer's mindset and will make you a better writer. 

2. Know Your Why

What’s driving you to write this book? Be brutally honest. Is it self-expression, financial freedom, career growth, or personal fulfillment?

Your "why" is the lifeline that pulls aspiring writers through tough days. In my Kick Start Your Book course, we explore how your purpose fuels your process—and ultimately, your success.

3. Streamline Your System

When I started out, my ideas were scattered across notebooks, sticky notes, and random digital files. The chaos stifled my creativity which was the wrong environment to try and start a productive writing habit. 

Now, I stick to one system for organizing research, outlining chapters, and tracking progress. Whether it’s Trello, a Word document, or an A4 notebook, pick the tool that works for you and commit to it.

Clarity breeds creativity.

4. Respect the Law of Diminishing Returns

Economics taught us that beyond a certain point, working harder doesn’t mean working smarter.

After a few focused hours of creative writing, your productivity will nosedive. Go beyond your comfort zone and be consistent with your writing habits but know your limits.

Then step away—whether that’s to nap, take a walk, or just breathe. A great book idea usually comes when we're most relaxed. 

5. Build a Supportive Circle

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” said Jim Rohn. Writing doesn’t have to be lonely—find a community that uplifts you and offers practical advice. 

Join a writing group, attend workshops, or connect with fellow authors online. Their encouragement might be the boost you need to finish your draft. For ideas, check out my blog post: 9 Online Writing Communities You Should Join & Why.

If you're not ready for a community, check out blog posts or an author podcast for expert insights, actionable tips on the writing craft, and productivity hacks. 

6. Set a Finish Line

Successful writers know a successful book is a finished book. Deadlines can feel punishing, so reframe them as finish lines. Picture crossing it, manuscript in hand ready for literary agents to fight over, and reward yourself when you get there—whether it’s a weekend getaway or a fancy dinner.

Writing a book is a marathon, not a sprint. Let the finish line pull you forward.

7. Create Daily Stillness

The world is noisy. Writers, more than anyone, need space to think.

Carve out time each day for quiet reflection, whether through meditation, journaling, yoga, or a long walk. Stillness calms the chaos and can boost creativity.

Writing a book is one of the most challenging—and rewarding—things you’ll ever do. It's a long process of deep work but the right mindset is the first step to not only finishing your manuscript but rediscovering joy in the process.

Which of these tips will you try today? Drop me a comment and let me know—I’d love to hear what works for you.

A statue on a book shelf.

I'm Karen, a best-selling novelist who left her corporate life to pursue my dream of becoming a writer. Since then, I've written everything from travel articles to web copy before winning a novel writing competition which led to a 3-book deal. 


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